Martin’s Island Best Toring Site
Bureau of Botany, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000,
Bangladesh Key words: Acrochaetium nurulislamii sp. nov., Acrochaetium spp., Red green growth, Bangladesh
Acrochaetium nurulislamii sp. nov. also, Acrochaetium polysporum Howe, A. sagraeanum (Montagne) Bornet and A. zosterae Papenfuss are recorded and depicted out of the blue from the St. Martin's Island, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
The variety Acrochaetium in the St. Martin's Island, Cox's Bazar locale Bangladesh is spoken to by A. crassipes Bøergesen (Islam 1976) and A. bengalicum Islam et Aziz 1987, both were observed to develop on Liagora sp. The creators got some marine full scale green growth from Dr. Abdullah Harun Chowdhury, Khulna University gathered in 2006 from the Island. The creators on examination ran over a few types of Acrochaetium, one of which is new to science and three different species were not recorded before from the Bangladesh region. These species are portrayed and shown in the present record.
Materials and Methods
A few marine green growth were gathered from the littoral (uncovered and knee-profound water beneath low tide check) zone of the St. Martin's Island, Cox's Bazar region Bangladesh on 6 January, 2006 by Dr. Abdullah Harun Chowdhury, University of Khulna. The algal materials were protected with 4% formalin in marine water. Out of these, gathering no. 212 was found to contain Hypnea boergesenii Tanaka and Struvea anastomosans (Harv.) Picc., which were developing on rocks on the northwest shore of the island. Minute green growth developing on these marine green growth were contemplated.
Results and Discussion
Acrochaetium nurulislamii sp. nov., A. polysporum Howe, A. sagraeanum (Montagne) Bornet and A. zosterae Papenfuss were observed to develop on some large scale green growth gathered from the shoreline of St. Martin's Island, Bangladesh. A key to these animal categories and their portrayals and delineations are given beneath.
Key to the types of Acrochaetium Nägeli
1. Sporanagia sessile or one celled stalk
2. Sporanagia sessile, one-sided in long secund arrangement on the internal side of branches A. nurulislamii
2. Sporangia monosporous
3 Sporangia polysporous, where spores recover after arrival of the past one A. polysporum
3. Monosporangia ovoid with apiculum A. sagraeanum A. zosterae
3. Monosporangia cylindric-obovoid, without apiculum A. AZIZ AND S. ISLAM
There are 343 species names in the species database of the variety at introduce where 194 are at present acknowledged.
The variety Acrochaetium Nägeli is appropriated around the world, solely marine, most differentiated in mild zones, particularly the North Atlantic. Plants are regularly epiphytic on other marine green growth or angiosperms, some of the time epizoic, semi-endophytic or semi-endozoic.
Class: Rhodophyceae; Order: Acrochaetiales; Family: Acrochaetiaceae Genus: Acrochaetium Nägeli
1. Acrochaetium nurulislamii A. Aziz et S. Islam (Fig. 1 An E) Etymology: Greek nurulislamii = after National Professor late Dr. A.K.M. Nurul Islam who was the pioneer of algal investigates in Bangladesh. Thallus 1.5-3.5 mm altus, simplex, unilateralis promotion aliquando cum alternaribus ramorum; cellulae 12.70-24.00 µm longa, 6.68-7.30 µm latus; basalis parte unistrato disco basali ex cellulae aggregatus, aliqua fila repentia qui fortasse evolutus in fila erectus; chromatophores singulus, complanatus cum pair pyrenoides, unus advertisement quoque extremis; monosporangia sessiles, oodes, unlateral in longum secund arrangement praecipue in inside latus ex ramorum, 13.00-13.30 µm longa, 8.20-9.00 µm latus; sexuale systema non visi.
1 An E. Acrochaetium nurulislamii sp. nov. A. Basal part of a plant indicating connection with Polysiphonia; B. A segment of the plant indicating example of expanding with monosporangia; C. A part of a branch demonstrating sessile monosporangia in a long secund arrangement. Scales = 10 µm. Propensity: Thalli straightforward, uniseriate, spread, 1.5 to 3.5 mm tall. Vegetative structures: Basal bit of the thallus comprising of a one layered basal circle of swarmed cells and some delivered into fibers which crawl for some separation, in a few thalli these are created into erect fibers; from the plate a solitary and basic erect fiber emerges which are meagerly expanded as one-sided to infrequently exchange; cells extend, basal cell
MARINE ALGAE OF ST. MARTIN'S ISLAND, BANGLADESH 147 prolong cone shaped (12.70 µm long) whose more extensive end is around 6.86 µm, middle cells around 16.0 long and 7.00-7.30 µm wide, cells of the distal locale around 24.00 µm long and 7.30 µm expansive; chromatophores single, plate-like, with two lobed pyrenoids, one at each end. Regenerative structures: Monosporangia sessile one-sided in long secund arrangement on the inward side of branches beginning from their first cells and furthermore at the tip of short branches, delivered in bring down piece of the thallus; oval yet marginally limited proximally (egg-molded), 13.00 to 13.30 µm long, 8.20 to 9.00 µm expansive; sexual stage not watched. (Contd.) Fig. 1 D-E. Acrochaetium nurulislamii sp. nov. Oval sessile monosporangia and vegetative cells with plate like chromatophores having pyrenoids at the two finishes of every cell (bolts in D). Scales = 5 µm. Nearness of monosporangia in a long secund arrangement on the upper piece of branches in the present material takes after A. seriatum Børgesen yet the present thallus isn't tufted; chromatophores are with two pyrenoids arranged one at each end; fibers with long cells and sessile monosporangia, and henceforth it is considered as another species. Living space: Marine, epiphytic on Polysiphonia (epiphytic on Hypnea boergesenii), Hypnea boergesenii, alongside Goniotrichum alsidii; accumulation no. 212, littoral zone; normal. Abdullah Harun Chowdhury, January 06, 2006 (DHAKA TYPE). Holotype: Collection no. 212, photomicrographs, Fig. 1 (An E); January 06, 2006; leg. Abdullah Harun; kept in the creator's herbarium, Department of Botany, University of Dhaka. Sort region: North west shore of the St. Martin's Island, Bangladesh.
2. Acrochaetium polysporum Howe (Fig. 2 A-D) (Dawson et al. 1964, 36, Pl. 29, Figs E-F) Synonym: Chantransia polyspora De Toni Habit: Plants epiphytic, stretched, around 2.50 mm high. Vegetative structures: Plants comprise of a tuft of erect, fanned fibers created from a shallow stratum of transmitting fibers on the surface of the host; the cells cylindric or marginally tumid (Fig. 2A), 15.24-25.40 µm long and 3.81-6.35 µm expansive, chromatophore single, plate-like, with a pyrenoid. Fig. 2 A-D. Acrochaetium polysporum Howe. A-B. Parts of plants demonstrating monosporangia on branches; C-D. Bits of plants developed demonstrating the vegetative cell and spore content. Scales: A-B = 10 µm, C-D = 5 µm. Regenerative structures: Monosporangia ovoid to comprehensively circular, 10.00-12.70 µm long and 5.00-12.70 µm wide, polysporous, containing for the most part 8-16 spores, sidelong or terminal, generally in a secund horizontal arrangement of 3-15, once in a while inverse, sessile or with 1-celled stalk, about each cell of the erect fiber build up a sporangium, normally terminal on short and less usually on longer fibers; sporangia pretty much singularly gibbous or protuberant (Fig. B, C). Natural surroundings and neighborhood appropriation: Epiphytic on Struvea anastomosans (Harv.) Picc.; St. Martin's Island, Cox's Bazar, gathering no. 212; normal. Geological conveyance: South America: Chile, Peru; Asia: Japan.
MARINE ALGAE OF ST. MARTIN'S ISLAND, BANGLADESH 149 3. Acrochaetium sagraeanum (Montagne) Bornet (Fig. 3 A-C) (Aziz 1965, 66, Pl. 30, Figs 1-2) Synonym: Cladophora sagraeana Montagne; Chantransia sagraeana De Toni Habit: Plants epiphytic, stretched, around 2 mm tall. Vegetative structures: Plants comprise of erect, spread fibers from the surface of the host, cells of the principle fibers 15.24-17.78 µm long and 5.08-6.35 µm wide, fibers bit by bit decreasing toward the summit (Fig. 3B), chromatophores single, plate-like, with one pyrenoid.
3 A-C. Acrochaetium sagraenum (Montagne) Bornet. A. Principle fiber with stalked and sessile monosporangia; take note of some plate-like chloroplasts with one pyrenoid at each end; B. monosporangia on principle hub and branch; C. Ovoid monosporangia demonstrating areola like structure (apiculum) at the apices. Scales: A-B = 10 µm, C = 5 µm. Regenerative structures: Monosporangia stalked or sessile, ovoid, around 10.16-12.70 µm long and 7.62-8.89 µm wide, once in a while secund, pinnacle very thickend, now and again showing up as marginally pointed areola like structure (apiculum); in branches monosporangia create close to the base. Nearness of all around stamped apiculum looks like with A. chnoosporae yet display material contrasts in size of cells and state of monosporangia which take after A. sagraeanum. Living space and neighborhood conveyance: Epiphytic on Struvea anastomosans (Harv.) Picc., St. Martin's Island, Cox's Bazar, accumulation no. 212; normal. Topographical conveyance: Atlantic Islands: Bermuda; North America: Connecticut, North Carolina, Virginia; South America: Barbados.
150 A. AZIZ AND S. ISLAM 4. Acrochaetium zosterae Papenfuss.
4 A-C) (Taylor 1957, 218, Pl.33, Figs 5-7) Synonym: Acrochaetium subseriatum Jao Habit: Plants straightforward, uniseriate, spread, around 2.2 mm high. Vegetative structure: Thallus with various branchlets one-sided or exchange; cells 12.70-15.24 µm long and 1.00-3.81 µm expansive for the most part 4-5 times as long as wide; cells round and hollow, once in a while form into terminal hairs; chromatophores single, plate-like, with one pyrenoid.
5 A-C. Acrochaetium zosterae Papenfuss. A. Bit of a plant indicating parallel stalked monosporangia on the principle fiber; B-C. Monosporangia on parallel branches. Scales = 5 µm. Regenerative structures: Monosporangia for the most part in arrangement on the branchlets, sessile or 1-celled stalks, one-sided close to the base of branchlets, infrequently scattered, cylindric-obovoid (Fig. B, C), 7.62-10.16 µm long, 3.81-5.08 µm expansive. Territory and neighborhood dissemination: Epiphytic on Struvea anastomosans (Harv.) Picc.; St. Martin's Island, gathering no. 212. Geological dispersion: North America: Massachusetts. Affirmations The creators are appreciative to Professor Syed Hadiuzzaman, Department of Botany, University of Dhaka for latin finding of the new species. Much appreciated are because of Dr. Abdullah Harun Chowdhury, Environmental Science Discipline, Khulna University for providing the marine algal materials.
MARINE ALGAE OF ST. MARTIN'S ISLAND, BANGLADESH 151 References Aziz K.M.S. 1965. Acrochaetium and Kylinia in the Southwestern North Atlantic Ocean. Ph. D. proposal. Division of Botany, Duke University, North Carolina. Islam A.K.M.N. 1976. Commitment to the investigation of the marine green growth of Bangladesh. Bibliotheca Phycologica 19: 1-253. Islam A.K.M.N. also, A. Aziz. 1987. Expansion to the rundown of the marine green growth of St. Martin's Island, Bangladesh. ???. Red green growth. Nova Hedwigia 45: 211-221. Dawson Y.E., C. Acleto and N. Foldvik. 1964. The kelp of Peru. Nova Hedwigia 13: 1-111 + 81 Pls. Taylor R.W. 1957. Marine green growth of the northeastern shore of North America. Univ. Mich. Press. Ann Arbor. 509 pp
Marine green growth of St. Martin's Island.
Bureau of Botany, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000,
Bangladesh Key words: Acrochaetium nurulislamii sp. nov., Acrochaetium spp., Red green growth, Bangladesh
Acrochaetium nurulislamii sp. nov. also, Acrochaetium polysporum Howe, A. sagraeanum (Montagne) Bornet and A. zosterae Papenfuss are recorded and depicted out of the blue from the St. Martin's Island, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
The variety Acrochaetium in the St. Martin's Island, Cox's Bazar locale Bangladesh is spoken to by A. crassipes Bøergesen (Islam 1976) and A. bengalicum Islam et Aziz 1987, both were observed to develop on Liagora sp. The creators got some marine full scale green growth from Dr. Abdullah Harun Chowdhury, Khulna University gathered in 2006 from the Island. The creators on examination ran over a few types of Acrochaetium, one of which is new to science and three different species were not recorded before from the Bangladesh region. These species are portrayed and shown in the present record.
Materials and Methods

Results and Discussion
Acrochaetium nurulislamii sp. nov., A. polysporum Howe, A. sagraeanum (Montagne) Bornet and A. zosterae Papenfuss were observed to develop on some large scale green growth gathered from the shoreline of St. Martin's Island, Bangladesh. A key to these animal categories and their portrayals and delineations are given beneath.
Key to the types of Acrochaetium Nägeli
1. Sporanagia sessile or one celled stalk
2. Sporanagia sessile, one-sided in long secund arrangement on the internal side of branches A. nurulislamii
2. Sporangia monosporous
3 Sporangia polysporous, where spores recover after arrival of the past one A. polysporum
3. Monosporangia ovoid with apiculum A. sagraeanum A. zosterae
3. Monosporangia cylindric-obovoid, without apiculum A. AZIZ AND S. ISLAM
There are 343 species names in the species database of the variety at introduce where 194 are at present acknowledged.
The variety Acrochaetium Nägeli is appropriated around the world, solely marine, most differentiated in mild zones, particularly the North Atlantic. Plants are regularly epiphytic on other marine green growth or angiosperms, some of the time epizoic, semi-endophytic or semi-endozoic.
Class: Rhodophyceae; Order: Acrochaetiales; Family: Acrochaetiaceae Genus: Acrochaetium Nägeli
1. Acrochaetium nurulislamii A. Aziz et S. Islam (Fig. 1 An E) Etymology: Greek nurulislamii = after National Professor late Dr. A.K.M. Nurul Islam who was the pioneer of algal investigates in Bangladesh. Thallus 1.5-3.5 mm altus, simplex, unilateralis promotion aliquando cum alternaribus ramorum; cellulae 12.70-24.00 µm longa, 6.68-7.30 µm latus; basalis parte unistrato disco basali ex cellulae aggregatus, aliqua fila repentia qui fortasse evolutus in fila erectus; chromatophores singulus, complanatus cum pair pyrenoides, unus advertisement quoque extremis; monosporangia sessiles, oodes, unlateral in longum secund arrangement praecipue in inside latus ex ramorum, 13.00-13.30 µm longa, 8.20-9.00 µm latus; sexuale systema non visi.
1 An E. Acrochaetium nurulislamii sp. nov. A. Basal part of a plant indicating connection with Polysiphonia; B. A segment of the plant indicating example of expanding with monosporangia; C. A part of a branch demonstrating sessile monosporangia in a long secund arrangement. Scales = 10 µm. Propensity: Thalli straightforward, uniseriate, spread, 1.5 to 3.5 mm tall. Vegetative structures: Basal bit of the thallus comprising of a one layered basal circle of swarmed cells and some delivered into fibers which crawl for some separation, in a few thalli these are created into erect fibers; from the plate a solitary and basic erect fiber emerges which are meagerly expanded as one-sided to infrequently exchange; cells extend, basal cell

2. Acrochaetium polysporum Howe (Fig. 2 A-D) (Dawson et al. 1964, 36, Pl. 29, Figs E-F) Synonym: Chantransia polyspora De Toni Habit: Plants epiphytic, stretched, around 2.50 mm high. Vegetative structures: Plants comprise of a tuft of erect, fanned fibers created from a shallow stratum of transmitting fibers on the surface of the host; the cells cylindric or marginally tumid (Fig. 2A), 15.24-25.40 µm long and 3.81-6.35 µm expansive, chromatophore single, plate-like, with a pyrenoid. Fig. 2 A-D. Acrochaetium polysporum Howe. A-B. Parts of plants demonstrating monosporangia on branches; C-D. Bits of plants developed demonstrating the vegetative cell and spore content. Scales: A-B = 10 µm, C-D = 5 µm. Regenerative structures: Monosporangia ovoid to comprehensively circular, 10.00-12.70 µm long and 5.00-12.70 µm wide, polysporous, containing for the most part 8-16 spores, sidelong or terminal, generally in a secund horizontal arrangement of 3-15, once in a while inverse, sessile or with 1-celled stalk, about each cell of the erect fiber build up a sporangium, normally terminal on short and less usually on longer fibers; sporangia pretty much singularly gibbous or protuberant (Fig. B, C). Natural surroundings and neighborhood appropriation: Epiphytic on Struvea anastomosans (Harv.) Picc.; St. Martin's Island, Cox's Bazar, gathering no. 212; normal. Geological conveyance: South America: Chile, Peru; Asia: Japan.
MARINE ALGAE OF ST. MARTIN'S ISLAND, BANGLADESH 149 3. Acrochaetium sagraeanum (Montagne) Bornet (Fig. 3 A-C) (Aziz 1965, 66, Pl. 30, Figs 1-2) Synonym: Cladophora sagraeana Montagne; Chantransia sagraeana De Toni Habit: Plants epiphytic, stretched, around 2 mm tall. Vegetative structures: Plants comprise of erect, spread fibers from the surface of the host, cells of the principle fibers 15.24-17.78 µm long and 5.08-6.35 µm wide, fibers bit by bit decreasing toward the summit (Fig. 3B), chromatophores single, plate-like, with one pyrenoid.
3 A-C. Acrochaetium sagraenum (Montagne) Bornet. A. Principle fiber with stalked and sessile monosporangia; take note of some plate-like chloroplasts with one pyrenoid at each end; B. monosporangia on principle hub and branch; C. Ovoid monosporangia demonstrating areola like structure (apiculum) at the apices. Scales: A-B = 10 µm, C = 5 µm. Regenerative structures: Monosporangia stalked or sessile, ovoid, around 10.16-12.70 µm long and 7.62-8.89 µm wide, once in a while secund, pinnacle very thickend, now and again showing up as marginally pointed areola like structure (apiculum); in branches monosporangia create close to the base. Nearness of all around stamped apiculum looks like with A. chnoosporae yet display material contrasts in size of cells and state of monosporangia which take after A. sagraeanum. Living space and neighborhood conveyance: Epiphytic on Struvea anastomosans (Harv.) Picc., St. Martin's Island, Cox's Bazar, accumulation no. 212; normal. Topographical conveyance: Atlantic Islands: Bermuda; North America: Connecticut, North Carolina, Virginia; South America: Barbados.
150 A. AZIZ AND S. ISLAM 4. Acrochaetium zosterae Papenfuss.
4 A-C) (Taylor 1957, 218, Pl.33, Figs 5-7) Synonym: Acrochaetium subseriatum Jao Habit: Plants straightforward, uniseriate, spread, around 2.2 mm high. Vegetative structure: Thallus with various branchlets one-sided or exchange; cells 12.70-15.24 µm long and 1.00-3.81 µm expansive for the most part 4-5 times as long as wide; cells round and hollow, once in a while form into terminal hairs; chromatophores single, plate-like, with one pyrenoid.
5 A-C. Acrochaetium zosterae Papenfuss. A. Bit of a plant indicating parallel stalked monosporangia on the principle fiber; B-C. Monosporangia on parallel branches. Scales = 5 µm. Regenerative structures: Monosporangia for the most part in arrangement on the branchlets, sessile or 1-celled stalks, one-sided close to the base of branchlets, infrequently scattered, cylindric-obovoid (Fig. B, C), 7.62-10.16 µm long, 3.81-5.08 µm expansive. Territory and neighborhood dissemination: Epiphytic on Struvea anastomosans (Harv.) Picc.; St. Martin's Island, gathering no. 212. Geological dispersion: North America: Massachusetts. Affirmations The creators are appreciative to Professor Syed Hadiuzzaman, Department of Botany, University of Dhaka for latin finding of the new species. Much appreciated are because of Dr. Abdullah Harun Chowdhury, Environmental Science Discipline, Khulna University for providing the marine algal materials.
MARINE ALGAE OF ST. MARTIN'S ISLAND, BANGLADESH 151 References Aziz K.M.S. 1965. Acrochaetium and Kylinia in the Southwestern North Atlantic Ocean. Ph. D. proposal. Division of Botany, Duke University, North Carolina. Islam A.K.M.N. 1976. Commitment to the investigation of the marine green growth of Bangladesh. Bibliotheca Phycologica 19: 1-253. Islam A.K.M.N. also, A. Aziz. 1987. Expansion to the rundown of the marine green growth of St. Martin's Island, Bangladesh. ???. Red green growth. Nova Hedwigia 45: 211-221. Dawson Y.E., C. Acleto and N. Foldvik. 1964. The kelp of Peru. Nova Hedwigia 13: 1-111 + 81 Pls. Taylor R.W. 1957. Marine green growth of the northeastern shore of North America. Univ. Mich. Press. Ann Arbor. 509 pp
Marine green growth of St. Martin's Island.